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Confined Space Training Programs

based on OSHA 1910.146 and Industry Best Practices

Keep Your Workforce Safe and Compliant with Confined Space Training

Martin Technical provides Authorized Person, Competent Person, Train the Trainer and Confined Space Rescue  training programs that help protect employees from the hazards associated with confined spaces and help meet OSHA 1910.146 compliance.

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Confined Space Training Programs

OSHA confined space entry standards for general industry 1910.146 and their new confined spaces for construction standard 1926 Subpart AA require companies and organizations to implement a confined space entry program if their employees will enter permit-required confined spaces. A major element of a confined space program is providing confined space training for all employees involved in confined space entry work; that includes the entrant(s), attendant, and the entry supervisor as well as those who are competent persons.


After completion of this course, students will receive a Certificate of Completion and .1 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) for each hour of class.

Training certificate CEUs

All training certificates will be stored by Martin Technical for future reference, validation and 3rd party documentation.

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Our experts will help keep your workforce safe.
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