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OSHA's Required Training Frequencies

Topic OSHA Required OSHA Regulation Initial Training Retraining
AERIAL & SCISSOR LIFTS Yes 1910.67; 1910.333; 1910.502; 1926.269 Not addressed by OSHA Not addressed by OSHA
ASBESTOS AWARENESS Yes 1910.1001; 1926.1101 New hire training Annual
BACK SAFETY & INJURY PREVENTION No None As determined by employer As determined by employer
BASIC RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Yes 1910.134 Train prior to requiring employees to use a respirator in the workplace Annual retraining when: (1) changes in the workplace or the type of respirator render previous training obsolete; (2) Inadequacies in worker knowledge or use of respirator indicate that the worker has not retained the requisite understanding or skill; (3) Any situation arises in which retraining appears necessary to ensure safety
BEHAVIOR BASED SAFETY No None As determined by employer As determined by employer
BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Yes 1910.1030; 1910.1020 Train at initial assignment to tasks where occupational exposure could occur Annual
CHEMICAL SAFETY Yes 1910.1450; 1910.119; 1910.1200 New hire training Retraining as determined by employer
CHLORINE SAFETY Yes 1910.1000; 1910.1200 For 1910.119 (Process Safety Management): New hire training
For 1910.1200 (Hazard Communication): New hire training
For 1910.119 (Process Safety Management): Every 3 years
For 1910.1200 (Hazard Communication): Retraining whenever a new chemical hazard that workers have not previously received training for is introduced into work area
COMPRESSED GAS SAFETY Yes 1910.101 Not addressed by OSHA Not addressed by OSHA
CONFINED SPACES & CONFINED SPACES PERMIT-REQUIRED Yes 1910.146 Initial training when assigned to confined space duties Retraining before there is a change in assigned duties, Retraining when permit space operations are changed to present a hazard for which any worker has not previously received training, Whenever the employer has reason to believe either that there are deviations from the permit space entry procedures required by the law, or that there are inadequacies in the worker’s knowledge or use of these procedures
DRIVER SAFETY & DISTRACTED DRIVING No None As determined by employer As determined by employer
ELECTRICAL SAFETY & NFPA 70E Training Yes 1910.302; 1910.308; 1910.331 – 1910.335 NFPA before exposure.
Not addressed by OSHA
NFPA: Not to exceed 3 years.
Not addressed by OSHA
EMERGENCY RESPONSE Yes 1917; 1910.35 – 1019.38; 1926.159 Initial training when emergency response plan (ERP) is developed, New hire training Retraining when worker responsibilities or actions change according to ERP, Whenever ERP has changed.
FIRE SAFETY/FIRE EXTINGUISHER Yes 1910.157; 1910.35 – 1910.39 New hire training Annual
FIRST AID & CPR Yes 1910.151 Not addressed by OSHA Not addressed by OSHA
FLAMMABLE LIQUID SAFETY No 1910.106 New hire training As determined by employer
FORKLIFT OPERATOR Yes 1910.178 Prior to permitting an employee to operate a powered industrial truck At least once every 3 years
FORMALDEHYDE TRAINING Yes 1910.1048 New hire training Annual, Retraining whenever a new formaldehyde exposure risk is introduced
HAND & POWER TOOL SAFETY No None New hire training As determined by employer
HAZARD COMMUNICATION Yes 1910.12 New hire training When new chemical hazards are introduced to work environment and where workers have not been previously trained on the hazard
HEARING CONSERVATION Yes 1910.95; 1910.145 New hire training Annual
HEAT STRESS & COLD STRESS No None As determined by employer As determined by employer
HYDROGEN SULFIDE Yes 1910.1000; 1910.134 Follow Hazard Communication requirements, New hire training Retraining whenever a new chemical hazard that workers have not previously received training for is introduced into work area
INCIDENT INVESTIGATION Yes 1910.119 Not addressed by OSHA Not addressed by OSHA
INDOOR AIR QUALITY No None As determined by employer As determined by employer
INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS No None As determined by employer As determined by employer
LAB SAFETY Yes 1910.145 New hire training As determined by employer
LADDER SAFETY No 1910.25; 1910.27; 1910.333 As determined by employer As determined by employer
LEAD AWARENESS Yes 1910.1025 New hire training Annual
LOCK OUT/TAG OUT (LOCK AND TAG) Yes 1910.331; 1910.147 Before exposure Retraining when: (1) change in machine; (2) change in job assignment; (3) new equipment/processes present hazard; (4) change in energy control procedures; (5) after periodic inspections reveal inadequate knowledge or deviations in procedures
MACHINE GUARDING No 1910.212; 1910.217 Prior to use Annual
OFFICE ERGONOMICS No None As determined by employer As determined by employer
OVERHEAD & GANTRY CRANES Yes 1910.179 Not addressed by OSHA Not addressed by OSHA
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Yes 1910.132 – 1910.138 New hire training Retraining when: (1) changes in the workplace render previous training obsolete; (2) changes in the types of PPE to be used render previous training obsolete; (3) inadequacies in worker knowledge or use of assigned PPE indicate that the worker has not retained the requisite understanding or skill
PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT Yes 1910. 119; 1910.120; 1910.38 New hire training Retraining every 3 years
SAFE DRIVING BEHAVIORS FOR CMV’S No None As determined by employer As determined by employer
SAFETY AUDITS No None As determined by employer As determined by employer
SLIPS, TRIPS, AND FALLS No 1910.21, 1910.22, 1910.23, 1910.24 As determined by employer As determined by employer
WELDING Yes 1910.252 Not addressed by OSHA Not addressed by OSHA
WORKPLACE VIOLENCE No None As determined by employer As determined by employer