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2 Men Killed in Confined Space Accident in NC

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Goldsboro, NC – Two employees of SPX Transformer Solutions in Goldsboro died in an industrial accident Monday and a third worker has been hospitalized. An employee was working inside a large transformer and became unresponsive, two other employees entered the transformer to help and they both became unresponsive. Their injuries are believed to have been caused by a confined space issue–something in the atmosphere was lethal or because of a lack of oxygen.

The Wayne County Sheriff’s Office has released the names of the men who were killed and injured in an industrial accident: Dennis Martin, 51 of Goldsboro, and Daniel Craig Anderson, 33 of Dudley, were both killed. William Saviak, 40 of Dudley, is currently in the ICU at Wayne Memorial Hospital.

The state Department of Labor says their preliminary investigation shows that one worker fell into the transformer space and the other two went in to help him.

SPX Transformer Solutions, Inc. is one of the largest manufacturers of power transformers in the United States.

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