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WI Laundry Fined $125K after 3 Amputation Accidents

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Ripon, WI – Three employees of Alliance Laundry Systems have had fingers amputated, and OSHA has levied fines of $124,709 against them after the most recent accident in which a worker lost a finger in a machine. This summer, a 65-year-old employee amputated the tip of his right middle finger while using a hydraulic press without adding safety guarding.laundry amputated fingers

This violation was deemed “willful” because the July 2016 incident came less than two months after OSHA learned that a grommet-cutting machine had severed the right index finger of a 26-year-old employee the previous month. In a third incident, in the summer of 2015, a folding machine crushed a 51-year-old employee’s right hand, severing his right middle finger.

Alliance Laundry Systems is the largest employer in Ripon (WI) and is recognized as one of world’s leading commercial laundry equipment manufacturers. Company officials
disagree with the term “willful,” and are considering contesting the citation.

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