Edison, NJ – OSHA has cited Bentley Laboratories LLC and Joulé Clinical & Scientific Staffing Solutions for allegedly exposing as many as 50 temporary workers to health and safety hazards. Bentley Laboratories manufactures products for the beauty and pharmaceutical industries and Joule Clinical & Scientific Staffing Solutions (headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA) provides staffing services to Bentley Laboratories.
“We see these kinds of violations frequently, especially in the case of temporary workers,” said Patricia Jones, director of OSHA’s Avenel Area Office. Both the hiring company and the staffing agency are legally responsible for the safety and health of their workers. When working in this sort of environment, there are a number of things that could go wrong, so it’s vital that all employees undergo the correct health and safety training. Within this lab, there are numerous chemicals that could cause a lot of damage to an individual if misused, which is why it’s important that all staff are made to wear appropriate safety workwear to prevent any injuries to their skin. Luckily, these pieces of workwear can even be washed professionally by companies that offer managed workwear laundry solutions. This ensures the uniforms are free of any chemicals, keeping workers safe. This is an example of the sort of precaution that these labs should be taking.
In response to a complaint, OSHA initiated an inspection at Bentley Labs in October, 2014. They allege 14 serious violations, carrying $45,000 in potential fines. According to OSHA, Bentley failed to: train workers on chemical hazards; maintain a hearing conservation program for employees exposed to excessive noise; develop procedures and training to control potentially hazardous energy; and properly guard machines to prevent amputations. These types of Lockout/Tagout measures are key to safety in the workplace. If you’ve been in a similar situation and sustained damage due to this kind of negligence, it might be time to get some legal support from someone similar to Las Vegas Workers Compensation Lawyer.
For it’s part, Joulé Clinical & Scientific Staffing Solutions was cited with three serious violations and proposed fines of $8,000 for not having a hazardous communication program or training related to hazardous chemicals and energy-control procedures.
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